East Side Update: Spring 2019 Edition
We made it through the winter! This past cold season was about average in most facets other than…well, the cold. There was a 6 week cold-snap that rivaled anything Thanos could come up with that stretched from the end of January all the way through February and into March. The average overall temperature at any particular time on any particular day was -2.2 degrees Fahrenheit (for the first two weeks of the month, the average temp was around -8). When it finally let up and got back into the +20s, we felt like we had been transplanted to the tropics!
Since that chilly stretch, it has really been quite a pleasant spring on the Rocky Mountain Front. Lots of sunshine with some thunderstorms and a little snow here and there. After a couple weeks in the 60s and 70s, the world has turned a nearly-unbelievable shade of green. I don’t think that my imagination was capable of dreaming up such a deep and lush color back in the black-and-white days of February, but its reemergence is a true joy…maybe I’ll be able to hold onto it mentally this year!
A rainbow stretches over Babb and across the Front
It’s not all sunshine and rainbows- we need a little snow in the spring to bring on the green, green grass of June.
The return of spring is heralded not just by the slow warm-up, but also by the return of the many varieties of wildlife that call this valley their home. Birds, bears, moose, foxes, gophers, and every other sort of critter starts to make its presence a little more obvious as their natural food sources once more bolt to life in abundance. It is a very nice shift from magpies and the occasional crow! To be fair, some of the creatures have experienced a hard, cold winter and may take a few months to get their sleek summer coats back.
Looking forward to Summer
We have already welcomed our hardy spring guests at the Park Cabin Co, and are looking forward to those coming out for a summer vacation soon. We’ve built new headboards for the Snow Moon and Falling Leaf Cabins, framed some great new items for the walls, and added sack lunches as an add-on to reservations. There’s fresh gravel over all the roads and new grassy areas beginning to thrive behind each cabin. We did find a little time to explore Many Glacier and Waterton in between our projects.
We hope to see you this summer! Shoot us an email at parkcabinco@gmail.com or give us a call if we can help plan your trip.