Travel Tips For the East Side of Glacier National Park
Make a Reservation
Red Jammer gassing up at Thronson's General Store in Babb, Montana
Increased visitation on the east side has resulted in fully booked amenities during the summer months. Book your stay at the Park Cabin Company, a ride on the historic Red Jammers, and a hike with Glacier Guides before you arrive to ensure you get your ideal Glacier National Park vacation.
Food and Drink
As a remote and seasonal tourist destination, the grocery and wine selection near Babb can be limited and come at a premium. We recommend stocking up on necessities before heading our way, especially if you have any dietary restrictions or preferences. Make sure to stop in at the family-owned Thronson's General Store in Babb for any items you may have missed on your list. For a local selection of fresh produce and baked goods, stop by the Hutterite farm stand outside of Thronson's every Wednesday afternoon of the summer months.
If you plan to dine out, be prepared for wait times. Most restaurants in the area do not accept reservations, with an exception for large groups.
Cell Phone & Internet Connection
It often feels like our notoriously high wind speeds move faster than our rural internet connection. Be prepared to experience slow connectivity when utilizing public WiFi in the area. We recommend downloading new episodes of your favorite TV shows and podcasts before you leave home. Better yet, bring those books you've been meaning to read.
Verizon Wireless is the cell phone carrier with the best coverage in the area. There is little to no cell phone service throughout the park, with the exception of the first few miles of the Going-to-the-Sun Road and on top of certain peaks. Rumor has it you can get a few bars of AT&T coverage while parked at the post office in Babb and near Divide Mountain on Highway 89.
If you're in need of a fax machine, copy services or a high speed internet connection while you're here, visit the public libraries in Browning or Cut Bank.
Weather Conditions
High winds on our way through Dawson-Pitamakin in Two Medicine, Glacier National Park.
When it comes to weather along the Rocky Mountain Front, channel your inner scout and always be prepared. You may find yourself in a parka at breakfast and a t-shirt by dinner as conditions can vary widely within the course of a day. Dressing in layers is key to staying comfortable as you explore the east side. We find the National Weather Service's forecast to be the most reliable in our hard-to-predict region.
Permits & Passes
You will need to purchase a pass to gain entry to Glacier National Park. Visit the National Park Service's website to determine which pass makes the best sense for you and to save time at the gate.
Trout fishing on Duck Lake, near Babb, Montana.
The Blackfeet Reservation is adjacent to Glacier National Park and includes areas such as St. Mary & Babb. Non-members must purchase recreational, hunting and fishing permits to utilize the natural resources on the reservation. Visit the Blackfeet Nation's Fish & Wildlife website to familiarize yourself with their regulations and to purchase the necessary permits for your planned activities. We recommend purchasing your permit online before coming to the area as in-person permitting sites are limited. Did we mention that the Park Cabin Co. is a stone's throw from Duck Lake and some of the best fishing on the reservation?
Questions about your trip to Glacier national Park?
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